The first weekend in Santa Cruz proved to be excellent. Richard has been using the time to plan for Monday and in the meantime Yolanda and I have done some drawings/brainstorming for our show. Still taking lots of photos and I apologize for the lack of a flickr site. We will have it up and running as soon as possible to give all you bloggers the full Bolivian experience.
Saturday was nice and relaxing and in the evening we joined Raquel, Roberto and company for diner. The night finished with Roberto taking us to a local bar. Those of you from Boulder it was the Bolivian version of the Downer. Which means I was I loved it. Live music, cheap beer, and gross bathrooms. Mi favorito.
Sunday was quite the day. Yuda took us out to see a friend of her’s, Nico. He lives on a large farm about 30 minutes outside the city. We ate more oranges then Florida can shake a stick at. His family grows more types of oranges then I knew existed. Nico gave us the tour showing off his 5,000 pollos, a handful of pigs, cows, and orange trees as far as the eye could see. We witnessed a chicken being bleed out. I thought that was cool.
Nico’s familia was an amazing example of the Bolivian people. They always have to tease me about my lack of Spanish speaking abilities, but are wonderful people nonetheless. We drank coffee and stuffed ourselves with fresh baked goods (pan de arroz y charque). God I love Bolivia.
more photos--big fan
chickens being bled out--i don't know what that is but it doesn't sound pretty
its when a dead chicken is strung up and a knife is run down it to let all the blood drain out. I thought that was a photo i should not post